Monday, August 11, 2008

It was one of the hottest days of the summer. Humid. Barely a breeze. Sweat. So we decided to go to Sam's and buy a trampoline and set it up! When I say we, I do mean Tyson. I stayed inside and sipped Lemonade. But we all love it and it seems to stay occupied. It also makes a great workout for moms.


Brooke said...

Natalie, this is brooke johns from the old BYU-i word (hopefully you remember.) I've been peeking at your cute family for quite some time and left a comment once but was one of many. Good to see you via your blog! We have one too! If you'd like, email me your email address so I can send you an invite.

Teeps Peeps said...

Brooke! I would love an invite! My email is Can't wait to see you and the family! Thanks for getting in touch, I love reunions!

Garrison Propaganda said...

those houses behind you are huge! have you ever shown us a full shot of your home? id like a tour when your bored someday! :) mmmmm....sounds like you know the best way to set up a trampoline! looks like it is a great workout for you too.

Mj said...

Yay, you guys got a trampoline too! Aren't they the best? Our trampoline entertains Caleb for hours! And yes, it is good for a mommy work out as well. :-)