So I'm making Kinzi's school lunch, signing her reading log, yelling out practice spelling words, and all the while I hear a little Ezra voice from the bathroom every few seconds "Ew. Pause. Pause. Pause. Ew" I figured he had done some logs in the tub, not like he'd never done that before. Rolling my eyes I glanced into the bathroom to gage the damage. Nope, I had not expected him to be launching his poop onto the floor! With each "crash landing" came his little "Ew" as poo splatted everywhere. It was too soft to keep it's shape. (sorry, I know that's gross) He looked up at me with his big blue eyes and apparently, talking about the tub, he said, "All clean!" I nodded, smiled through gritted teeth, and closed the door.
Our family decided we wanted to participate in the neighborhood's Litter Bit Better trash clean up. After Ezra cut his hand on broken glass, took off his shoes and socks and ran through the muddy wet grass, picked up a cigarette but and exclaiming "Gum!" popped it into his mouth...we decided that maybe we'll wait a few more years to be good citizens. We did, however, find one silver necklace and 50 cents (a dollar ripped in half). I think it was worth it.
My good friend Lorinda recently offered us a great piece of advice. To prevent diaper leaks during the night, simply apply a jumbo pad into the diaper right before bed. It works like a charm.
We miss you guys :)
Man what a post!!!! I don't know whether to cry or laugh with you.
What goes around, comes around....remember behind the sofa?
When no one was watching? mmmmmmm.....PAYBACK!!!
I love you all so dearly.
Glad you found the advice useful! Sorry about the poop. I don't do well with poop that ends up where is shouldn't.
Ok that is hilarious!!!!!! I haven't had a good laugh like that for a while. I wouldn't be surprised to see Max do something like that in the future. What a funny little boy!!
Oh no, that is the grossest poop story ever! Alright, you win with a story like that, I'm very happy to say we've only dealt with logs and nothing else! I'm amazed at how well you handled the situation, way to keep your cool!
hhhhmmmm poop bombs huh? i could live without that one. might start wanting to post an older sibling in the bathroom if youre not in there. that would just be my lazy way out. at least youd get a heads up and only would have one log to clean up instead of a bunch? so im curious. did you throw the rug in the garbage or the washer? guess i dont need to ask if youre keepin busy! :)
oh and adding a pad to a diaper? never have heard of that. he must be pumpin out lots of pee! holy cow! what will you do with all your time when your baby is potty trained? no more poop cleaning off the floors orr moppin up pee!
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