Sunday, June 22, 2008

cowboy up.

Yesterday we went horseback riding! Buzz road with me and Kazoo got her own! She looked so little on that big horse named Rowdy! We had a trail dinner at the top of the hill that tasted so good! On the way down Rowdy started to trot and Kazoo bounced right off, but she held the reigns tightly, did a tarzan yell as she swung around the front of the horse and then let go, doing a gymnast's landing out of harm's way. Then she got up, dusted herself off, and jumped right back on! Buzz spent his time looking for Bigfoot in the forest and asking the cowboy trail leader if there were lots of monkeys in the trees. He pretended he was a Jedi on a ton-ton. Natalie whooped and hollered with glee every time her horse would trot or jump over a stream. She was definately the giddyest-up cowgirl this side of Cheyenne! We had a great time!


Cortney said...

Oh, that looks like so much fun! :) I wish we could have been there with you!

Garrison Propaganda said...

your horseback trip looked like a blast. where did you go? glad to hear there were no major injuries!

s p e n c e r h a a c k e said...

Hey, are you still in Minnesota? I just want to know.


Alison said...

Wow! What fun! You guys do so many fun things as a family. What great memories for your kids!

Tasha said...

It looks like it was a beautiful place to ride horses!!